Employer Terms & Conditions  

Modified September 10th 2018

Please read this agreement carefully before accessing or using the information and services available through the QJumpers websites ("Site").  By accessing or using the Site, you ("the Employer") agree to be bound by the terms and conditions.  QJumpers may modify this agreement at any time, without prior notice, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting the modified agreement on the Site.

You warrant and agree that:

1. You have the legal capacity and power to agree to be bound by these Terms and perform the obligations under it;

2. Advertisements and other works posted on the Site do not breach the intellectual property rights of any third party;

3. All files delivered to QJumpers will be free of infection or viruses;

4. You will not use the Site for any illegal purpose and you will not use the Site or any features of the Site or products offered on the Site to upload, download, transact, store or make available data that is unlawful, harassing threatening, harmful, tortious, defamatory, libellous, abusive violent, obscene, invasive of another’s privacy, racially or ethnically offensive or otherwise in our opinion objectionable or damaging to QJumpers, the Site users or persons generally.

5. If you have engaged a third party provider to obtain data and/or obtain services from the Site on your behalf, you understand that a breach of these Terms by that provider will be deemed to be a breach of these Terms by you, and QJumpers will have the right to take action against you on account of that breach (even if you had no knowledge of, and no involvement in, the said breach).


1. All amounts owing to QJumpers must be paid within 20 days of the date of invoice unless otherwise agreed in writing.

2. You are obliged to pay for the services that QJumpers agrees to provide you with regardless of whether you utilise or fully utilise those services. If you do not provide QJumpers with the necessary materials or information for QJumpers to deliver these services to you, you are still liable to QJumpers for full payment.

3. QJumpers may charge you interest on late payments at its applicable bank interest rate plus any costs we incur as a result of collecting your payment. If you do not pay your account on time QJumpers may disable your account without notice and refuse to supply further services to you.

4. You agree that pursuant to the Credit Reporting Privacy Code 2004, QJumpers may obtain from a credit reporter or other credit providers credit information about you or your other directors or a credit report about you for the purpose of collecting overdue payments relating to debt owed by you.

5. You agree that QJumpers may disclose this information to a credit reporter.

As a condition of using any services supplied by QJumpers, the Employer must comply with the Human Rights Act 1993 (NZ) and New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990  and all anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation applicable in the Countries in which they conduct business.

QJumpers make every effort to avoid errors in advertisements it has agreed to post to the Site and partner sites.  However, QJumpers accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors and requires that Employers check their advertisements for errors as soon as they are placed on the Site(s).  All reasonable efforts will be undertaken by QJumpers to edit errors brought to QJumpers attention as soon as reasonably possible.

QJumpers may review job advertisements prior to publication.  You may only post Advertisements to the Site that are in respect of a genuine employment opportunity that is current as at the time of posting the Advertisement, and for which you are currently recruiting.  QJumpers reserves the right at its sole discretion to withdraw without notice to the Employer any advertisement for any reason including, without limitation, an advertisement that may in QJumpers view be in breach of any clause of this agreement or of any law or regulation.  QJumpers also reserves the right at its sole discretion to terminate this agreement for any reason including, without limitation, if any advertisement may be in breach of any law or regulation.

The Employer acknowledges and agrees that while QJumpers may vet job candidates of the representations (whether oral or in writing - including those representations appearing in job candidates online profiles appearing on the QJumpers talent pool database) made by them, QJumpers cannot be held responsible for deliberate  misrepresentations by job applicants and those parties providing verification of applicants' particulars.   To the extent permitted by law, QJumpers and any member of its corporate group, disclaims all liability for any direct or indirect loss, costs, damages or loss of profits or liabilities, including but not limited to any act, failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation of transmission, computer virus, line failure howsoever caused (including negligence) as a result of the use of or the inability to use the Site, the information or tools on it, or sustained as a consequence of any Employer employing or engaging any person sourced through the QJumpers Site.

The Employer agrees not to use any feature of the Site to send unsolicited commercial email to candidates, whether individually or as a group.  Employers may only use the Site to communicate with candidates about the specific vacancy to which the candidate has applied.

The Employer warrants that it shall comply with the Privacy Act 1993 (or any legislation passed in substitution thereof) and shall not disclose any personal information it collects regarding any potential candidate to any third party.  The Employer further warrants that it shall only use the personal information it collects for the purposes of recruitment.  Please also refer to our PRIVACY POLICY.

To become a registered Employer, you must provide a login name and password.  The Employer must take reasonable care in protecting against unauthorised use of log-in details and not disclose this information to others.  QJumpers is not responsible for any unauthorised access to an Employer's stored information.  The Employer agrees that it is solely responsible for any person using the Employer's user name and password.  The Employer agrees to indemnify QJumpers and any member of its corporate group against any and all claims arising out of the Employer's failure to maintain the confidentiality of its user name and password.

QJumpers reserves the right in its sole discretion to prohibit or restrict the Employer's access to the Site for any technical or security reason without prior notice to the Employer.  QJumpers will notify the Employer as soon as practicable of any restriction to its access rights.

The Employer agrees that QJumpers retains all intellectual property rights contained in any of the goods and services provided to the Employer by QJumpers and the Employer shall not assert any interest or claim to QJumpers' Intellectual Property.  Except as part the Employer's recruitment with QJumpers, the Employer agrees that the information on this Site may not be copied, sold, redistributed or used for any commercial purpose.

QJumpers provides links to Internet sites maintained by third parties from its Site. Such linked sites are not under the control of QJumpers and QJumpers is not responsible for the contents (including the accuracy, legality or decency) of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by QJumpers of the linked site. QJumpers is not responsible for the copyright compliance of any linked site. QJumpers will not be liable for any damages or loss arising in any way out of or in connection with or incidental to any information or third-party service provided by any third party.

These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with New Zealand law and the Employer accepts the exclusive jurisdiction of the New Zealand courts.

This website and the services providing connection with QJumpers are administered by QJumpers Technologies Limited.